Sales Overview


10.5% of 20,000 Total


89.5% of 20,000 Total


3.4% of Sales Avg.
  1. Planing
  2. Design
  3. Development
  4. Testing
Project Manager
Concept Director
Functional Developer
Development DevOps
New Clients 450
45% Increase in 28 Days
Total Visits 15,489
40% Increase in 28 Days
Downloads 55,005
85% Increase in 28 Days

Sales Revenue

States Orders Earnings
California 12,201 $150,200.80
Texas 11,950 $138,910.20
Wyoming 11,198 $132,050.00
Florida 9,885 $127,762.10
New York 8,560 $117,087.50
Miami 11,198 $132,050.00
Texas 9,885 $127,762.10

Recent Earnings

$154,769.50 TAX WITHHELD
$1,512,469.50 NET EARNINGS
Date Sales Count Gross Earnings Tax Withheld Net Earnings
03/05/2018 1,050 + $32,580.00 - $3,023.10 $28,670.90 4.5%
03/04/2018 980 + $30,065.10 - $2,780.00 $26,930.40 0.8%
03/04/2018 980 + $30,065.10 - $2,780.00 $26,930.40 0.8%
03/04/2018 980 + $30,065.10 - $2,780.00 $26,930.40 0.8%
03/04/2018 980 + $30,065.10 - $2,780.00 $26,930.40 0.8%

Revenue Growth
